
Prewar and Wartime Resources
- Document: Japan-US Treaty of Kanagawa, March, 31, 1854
- Document: The Constitution of the Empire of Japan - 1889 (PDF)
- Document: The Hague Convention (Respecting the Customs of War on Land), 18th October 1907
- Document: 陸戰ノ法規慣例ニ關スル條約 [1907年10月18日] オランダ ハーグ
- Background Information: Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907[English] and ハーグ陸戦条約 [Japanese]
- Document: Cairo Communique, 1st December 1943
- Document: カイロ宣言 [1943年12月1日] 蒋介石・ルーズベルト・チャーチル
- Background Information: Cairo Conference [English] and カイロ会談 [Japanese]
- Document: Joint Declaration of the Assembly of Greater East Asiatic Nations, 5th November 1943
- Document: The Yalta Agreement - 11th February 1945
- Document: ヤルタ協定 [1945年2月]
- Background Information: Yalta Conference [English] and ヤルタ会談 [Japanese]
- Document: Nimitz Proclamation (No. 1), April 1945
- Document: Potsdam Declaration (United States, China, and the United Kingdom), 26th July 1945
- Document: ポツダム宣言 [1945年7月26日]
- Background Information: Potsdam Conference [English] and ポツダム会談 [Japanese]
Postwar Japan-US Resources
- US Initial Post-Surrender Policy for Japan, September 1945 (External Link to original texts)
- 降伏後ニ於ケル米国ノ初期ノ対日方針 (External Link)
- The Constitution of Japan - 1946 (PDF Document)
- The Birth of the Constitution of Japan (External Link to the National Diet Library. Probably the best collection of original constitution-related documents one will come across. English and Japanese)
Enclosure to Dispatch No. 1293, 22nd September 1947
- Emperor of Japan's Opinion Concerning the Future of the Ryukyu Islands, 22nd September 1947
- Special Proclamation No. 36 - "Certification of Land Title (土地所有権証明)" - 14th April 1950
- (MacArthur's) Memorandum on Postwar Security for Japan - June 1950
- Background Information: Treaty of San Francisco [English] and 日本国との平和条約 [Japanese]
- John Foster Dulles's Speech at the San Francisco Peace Conference, September 5, 1951
- Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida's Speech at the San Francisco Peace Conference [1951年9月7日]
- Treaty of Peace With Japan, 8th September 1951
- サンフランシスコ平和条約(日本国との平和条約)1951年9月8日
- John Foster Dulles on "Residual Sovereignty", 8th September 1951
- Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, 8th September 1951
- 日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約, 1951年9月8日
- Shigeru Yoshida Presenting the Peace Treaty for Ratification, 12th October 1951
- CA Proclamation No. 13 - "Establishment of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands" - 29th February 1952
- CA Ordinance No. 91 - "Authority to Contract (軍用地の契約権)" - 1st November 1952 (English and Japanese)
- CA Ordinance No. 109 - "Land Acquisition Procedure (土地収用令)" - 3rd April 1953 (English and Japanese)
- CA Ordinance No. 110 - "Procedure for Payment of Compensation for Land Acquisition" - 10th April 1953 (English and Japanese)
- CA Proclamation No. 26 - "Compensation for Use of Real Estate Within Military Areas (軍用地域内における不動産の使用に対する補償)" - 5th December 1953 (English and Japanese)
- CA Ordinance No. 120 - "Compensation for Use of Real Estate Within Military Areas" - 9th December 1953
- Amami Islands Reversion Agreement - 24th December 1953
- CA Proclamation No. 27 - "Geographical Boundaries of the Ryukyu Islands" -25th December 1953 (English and Japanese)
- CA Ordinance No. 105 - "Authority to Accomplish Execution of Leases..." - 23rd March 1955
- The Melvin Price Report (プライス勧告), 8th June 1956
- 沖縄問題に関する「プライス」報告書 [1956年6月13日]
- Eisenhower's Executive Order No. 10713, 5th June 1957
- CA Ordinance No. 171 - "Authority to Enter Upon Lands for Investigation and/or Survey Purposes" - 25th June 1957
- Kishi-Eisenhower Joint Communique, 21st June 1957
- HICOM Ordinance No. 18 - "Acquisition of Leasehold Interest" - 13th Jan 1959
- HICOM Ordinance No.19 - "Establishment of the United States Land Tribunal for the Ryukyu Islands" - 21st January 1959
- HICOM Ordinance No. 20 - "Acquisition of Leasehold Interest (賃借権の取得について)" - 12th February 1959
- "The Conlon Report". United States Foreign Policy: Asia. Studies prepared at the request of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate. No. 5. Conlon Associates, Ltd. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1959.
The Okinawa-related section runs from pages 104-109.
- Agreement Under Article VI of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security Between the U.S. and Japan, Regarding Facilities and Areas and the Status of U.S. Armed Forces in Japan (The Status of Forces Agreement, or SOFA),19th January 1960 A Japanese language version of this document can be downloaded from here.
- Report and Recommendations of the Task Force Ryukyus (often referred to as 'The Kaysen Report'), December 1961.
From what I can see these scans include most if not all of the original appendixes.
- Statement by President Kennedy Upon Signing Order Relating to the Administration of the Ryukyu Islands - 19th March 1962 (Full statement. Japanese version to follow).
- For connected documents and other aspects of the Kennedy administration vis-a-vis Japan and the Ryukyus you should scan the following documents: Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–1963, Volume XXII, Northeast Asia > Japan
- Remarks of High Commissioner Paul W. Carraway, 5th March 1963
- Sato-Johnson Communique, 13th January 1965
- For connected documents and other aspects of the Johnson administration vis-a-vis Japan and the Ryukyus you should scan the following documents:
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964–1968, Volume XXIX, Part 2, Japan > Japan
- Address by Lieutenant General Unger, 2nd November 1966
- Sato-Nixon Communique, 21st November 1969
- (Secret) Agreed Minute to the Sato-Nixon Communique, 21st November 1969
- Statement by U. Alexis Johnson to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, January 1970
- The Okinawa Reversion Agreement, 17th June 1971
- Sato-Nixon Communique, San Clemente, 7th January 1972
Postreversion Japan-US Documents
- Joint Announcement of the Japan-US Security Consultative Committee - 27/9/95
Protest Resolution Adopted at the Okinawan Peoples Rally - 20/10/95
U.S. Department of Defence News Briefing with Joseph Nye - 27/10/95
Base Return Action Programme (Proposal), January, 1996
Japan-US Special Action Committee (SACO) Interim Report - 15/4/96
Japanese Cabinet Decision Regarding Efforts to Resolve Issues in Okinawa - 16/4/96
US-Japan Joint Declaration on Security - 17/4/96
Remarks by President Clinton to the Japanese Diet - 18/4/96
Press Conference by the Japanese Press Secretary - 21/5/96
Okinawa Governor Ota's Comments on The Supreme Court Decision - 28/8/96
Statement by the Japanese Press Secretary - 10/9/96
Two plus Two Meeting of the Japan-US Security Consultative Committee - 19/9/96
Press Conference by the Press Secretary of the Japanese Government - 8/10/96
The Cosmopolitan City Okinawa Plan - 11/96
Joint Announcement by the Japan-US Security Consultative Committee - 2/12/96
Final SACO Report - 2/12/96
Final SACO Report (Futenma Air Base supplement) - 2/12/96
Background Briefing on Defence Secretary Cohen's Trip to CINCPAC, Korea and Japan - 3/4/97
Clinton-Hashimoto Joint Statement - 25/4/97
- The Okinawa Industrial and Economic Promotion and Deregulation Report (The "Tanaka Report") July, 1997 (External Link)
Joint Statement on the US-Japan Security Consultative Committee - 23/9/97
Press Conference following the US-Japan Security Consultative Committee Meeting - 23/9/97
- Sea-Based Facility (SBF) DOD Functional Analysis and Concept of Operations - 3rd Sept, 1997 (Summary). If interested, a 4.1mb PDF file of the original document I obtained from the Okinawa Prefectural Government is also available here. I did not scan in the Final SACO Report attachment since it already available from this site)
Towards the Formation of Cosmopolitan City Okinawa: A New Industrial Promotion Policy - 4/11/97
- Materials Prepared by the Naha Branch of the Defence Facilities Administration Bureau of the Japanese Defence Agency on the Proposed Offshore Heliport in the Henoko District of Nago City - Undated, mid to late-1997 (External Link - Japanese Language Only)
- Materials Prepared by the Naha Branch of the Defence Facilities Administration Bureau of the Japanese Defence Agency on Proposed Economic Stimulation Measures for Nago City and the Northern Region of Okinawa Island - Undated, mid to late-1997 (External Link - Japanese Language Only)
- Department of Defence News Briefing with US Secretary of Defence William Cohen - 21/1/98
- Governor Ota's Announcement on the Offshore Heliport - 6/2/98
- US General Accounting Office, "Overseas Presence: Issues Involved in Reducing the Impact of the US Military Presence on Okinawa," March, 1998
- Summary of a Field Study on Public Health around US Bases in Okinawa - March, 1998 (External Link)
- US Department of Defence, "Security Strategy for the East Asia-Pacific Region," November, 1998
- Statement Demanding the Recall of Nago Mayor Kishimoto - 27th December, 1999 (External Link - Japanese Language Only)
- President Clinton's Address at the Peace Memorial Park, Okinawa - 21st July, 2000
- U.S.-Japan Joint Statement (Security Consultative Committee) (Sep. 11, 2000)
- Rand Corporation, "The United States and Asia: Toward a New US Strategy and Force Posture," May 2001 (External Link)
- Joint Statement by President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori (Mar. 19, 2001)
- US General Accounting Office, "Military Training: Limitations Exist Overseas but are not Reflected in Readiness Reporting," April 2002
- U.S.-Japan Security Constructive Committee Joint Statement (Dec.16, 2002)
- US Ambassador to Japan, Howard Baker - "Okinawa and the US-Japan Relationship" - Speech to the Okinawa Federation of Economic Organisations, Naha, Okinawa, February 2003
- US General Accounting Office, "Defense Infrastructure: Factors Affecting U.S. Infrastructure Costs Overseas and the Development of Comprehensive Master Plans," (GAO-04-609) July 2004
- Planning for the Reuse of the Futenma Air Base site upon its return to Japan (External link to Website - Japanese only - Established in October 2004). An interesting place to visit. Pushing for the return of a military base is one problem. Working out what to do with it once it is returned is another. This site constitutes a (current and ongoing) case study introduction to the complex issues of base reuse in Okinawa.
- Security Consultative Committee, U.S.-Japan Alliance: Transformation and Realignment for the Future, 29th October, 2005 (External link)
- United States-Japan Security Consultative Committee Document: Joint Statement Finalization of Realignment Initiatives (May 1, 2006)
- 共同発表 日米安全保障協議委員会/同盟の変革:日米の安全保障及び防衛協力の進展 (2007年5月1日)
- Joint Press Conference with Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda at Hokkaido Toyako Summit. (Jul. 6, 2008) ブッシュ大統領、北海道洞爺湖サミット(G8)出席。福田康夫首相との日米首脳会談
- Agreement Between the Government of Japan and the Government of the United States of America Concerning the Implementation of the Relocation of III Marine Expeditionary Force Personnel and Their Dependents from Okinawa to Guam Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (February 17, 2009)
- 「第三海兵機動展開部隊の要員及びその家族の沖縄からグアムへの移転の実施に関する日本国政府とアメリカ合衆国政府との間の協定」(February 17, 2009)
- US Marine Corps 'Final Environmental Review for Basing MV-22 Aircraft at MCAS Futenma and Operating in Japan.' April 2012.
- MV-22の普天間飛行場配備および日本での運用に関する環境レビュー最終版(仮訳)April 2012.
- Emma Chanlett-Avery and Ian E. Rinehart, The U.S. Military Presence in Okinawa and the Futenma Base Controversy. Congressional Research Service. August 3, 2012.
- Resolution: Anti-Osprey Rally in Okinawa, September 9, 2012 (決議文: 9月9日オスプレイ配備反対沖縄県民大会).
Other Resources
- Okinawa: A Chronology of News Events 1995-1996 (in five parts: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five)
- The Okinawa Referendum 1996 (information/commentary)
- The Nago Referendum 1997 (information/commentary)
- The Unofficial Constitution of the Republic of Ryukyu (my translation of the semi-serious/semi-playful hypothetical constitution for Okinawa. Its publication coincided with the tenth anniversary of reversion)
- Ryukyu kyowakoku kempo (the Japanese version of the Unofficial Constitution of the Republic of Ryukyu. Not the original Japanese presentation from Shin Okinawa Bungaku, since the writer [Nakasone Isamu] was then unidentified. Also missing the footnotes)
- Higa Mikio's famous Okinawa jichishu kosoron from the December 1971 edition of Chuo Koron (Japanese only. Classic article)
- Check out other independence/autonomy articles at the Fuyu website (great work on this site. Make a pot of coffee and linger a while to appreciate the effort put in)
- Okinawa Citizens, US Bases, and the Dugong (Original length article by Masamichi Inoue, Mark Selden and John Purves. When published in the Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars it was sliced and diced considerably)
- Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, "An Alternative Future for the Region of Camp Pendleton, California," 1997 (External Link. An interesting study on the potential conversion and reuse of one of the largest US Marine Corps base/training facilities in the continental US. That is, home of 1MEF, the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force. Download the image-packed .pdf file, but beware, it is in excess of 20mb in size)