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Office of The Deputy Governor

APO 719


3 April 1953


Whereas the United States has certain requirements concerning the use and possession of land in the Ryukyu Islands and whereas there are no provisions of Ryukyuan law whereby such requirements may be satisfied, it is deemed appropriate and necessary to establish procedures for the acquisition of and just compensation for such interests in land as the United States must have for the carrying out of its responsibility in the Ryukyu Islands. It is therefore ordained as follows.


1. Acquisition of estates or interests in land required for temporary or indefinite use shall be accomplished by the District Engineer, Okinawa Engineer District, on behalf of the using agency of the United States Forces with the specific approval of the Deputy Governor.

第1条 暫定的に又は無期限に使用すべき土地の権利の取得に関しては、米国軍隊使用機関に代り、沖縄工兵管区地区工兵隊が民政副長官の特定の認可を得て、その処理にあたる。

2. When it has been determined that an estate or other interest in any specific parcel or parcels of land or other real property shall be acquired, and that such acquisition cannot be agreeably accomplished by negotiations with owners concerned, the Deputy Governor, in the name of the United States, shall cause the following to be accomplished.

第2条 特定の土地、その他不動産の権利が取得さるべきこと及びその取得に関し、所有者との協議で意見一致をみることができないことが確定したときは、民政副長官は米国の名において次のとおり処理せしめる。

a. Personal, public and published Notice of Intent to be served upon the owner or owners of the land or real property concerned, identifying the property and stating the estate or interest to be taken and the authority therefor. Such notices shall further state the value at which the property has been appraised and the amount deemed to be just compensation; that such owner or owners shall have thirty (30) days from the date of publication of the notice in which to accept or refuse the offer of the United States. In the event of refusal, the owner(s) may within the said thirty (30) days appeal in writing to the Deputy Governor. Failing such appeal within said time the estate or interest shall be deemed transferred to the United States for the amount stated; in the event of appeal only the issue of just compensation will be determined and such appeal shall not stay the right of the United States to file a Declaration of Taking.

1 当該土地又は不動産の所有者に対し、収用の告知をなすものとし、これには当該財産の識別、取得さるべき権利及びそのための権限を明示する。告知にほ、なお、該財産の評定価格及び正当補償の認定金額並びに所有者ほ告知の日から三十日以内に米国の申し出を受諾するか又ほ拒否しなければならない旨を記載する。拒否する場合ほ、所有者は前記三十日以内に文書をもって、その旨民政副長官に訴願することができる。前記の訴願がなかったときは、当該権利は所定の額で米国に譲渡されたものとみなす。訴願に際しては、正当補償に関する争点のみを決定するものとし、且つ、この訴顧により米国ほ収用宣告の権利を阻止されないものとする。

b. In the event transfer of the required estate or interest is accomplished by negotiation, the instrument of transfer shall be filed for registry in the District Land Registry Office having registry jurisdiction over the land or real property involved.

2 必要な土地の権利を協議により譲渡する場合は、当該土地又は不動産の管轄登記所に譲渡書類を振出して登記しなければならない。

c. In the event that transfer of the required estate or interest in not effected by the owner or owners and thirty days has elapsed after the publication of a Notice of Intent provided for in 2.a. above, the Deputy Governor shall forthwith cause a formal Declaration of Taking to be filed and registered in the District Land Registry Office having jurisdiction over the land or real property involved and the sum of money representing just compensation due, for the estate or interest taken, as determined by the District Engineer, Okinawa Engineer District, to be deposited in the Bank of the Ryukyus to the account of the owner or owners.

3 必要な土地又は不動産の所有者がその権利を譲渡しないで、第2粂第一項の告知後三十日を経過したときは、民政副長官ほ直ちに正式の収用宣告書を当該管轄登記所に振出して登記させ、且つ、該権利に対する正当補償金として沖縄工兵管区の地区工兵隊によって決定された金額を琉球銀行に供託させる。

d. In the event that appeal is taken pursuant to notice and the provisions of paragraph 2.a. above, the Deputy Governor shall refer the same to the United States Land Acquisition Commission for the Ryukyu Islands, as established by paragraph 3. below, for hearing, finding and determination upon issues within the jurisdiction of that Commission. During the course of appeal, the landowner may withdraw up to 75% of the amount offered for his estate or interest.

4 収用告知及び第2条第一項の規定により訴麻がなされるときは、民政副長官はこれを第三条の規定による琉球列島米国土地収用委員会に付議して審理決定させる。訴願中、土地所有者は、その権利に対する供託金の七十五パーセントまで引出すことができる。

c. Should it be deemed of urgent necessity by the CG, RYCOM, that the use and possession of land or other real property be taken by the United States after the publication of a Notice of Intent, but prior to the acquisition of the estate or interest required, the Deputy Governor shall issue an order directing the vacating of the premises.

5 ライカム司令官において、米国が告知後権利を取得するまでの間に、土地又ほ不動産を使用し占有する緊急の必要があると認める時頑ほ、民政副長官は該地区からの立退命令を発する。

3. THE UNITED STATES ACQUISITION COMMISSION FOR THE RYUKYU ISLANDS is hereby established, composed of commissioners appointed by the Governor of the Ryukyu Islands. A majority of commissioners shall con-stitute a quorum tor the transaction of the business of the commission. The commission shall keep such files and records as may be necessary for public and permanent record of its proceedings and actions and shall be provided with adequate facilities for performance of its functions.

第3条 ここに、琉球列島米国土地収用委員会を設置し、その委員は琉球列島民政副長官により任命するものとする。委員の過半数をもって同委員会の定足数とする。委員会は、その議事及び処置の公的且つ恒久的な記蘇に必要な記録文書を保管し、業務の遂行にあたって適当な便宜を与えられるものとする。

4. The aforesaid Commission to hereby empowered to make a determination of property value and just compensation in all cases referred to it by the Deputy Governor of the Ryukyu Islands, or higher authority, and thereunto is further empowered to conduct hearings, take appropriate testimony and evidence, subpoena witnesses, books, records and documents, and otherwise perform as a quasi-judicial body and court of' record for land and real property condemnation purposes.

第四条 委員会は、琉球列島民政副長官又ほ上級当局から付議されたすべての事件にかかわる財産の価格及び正当補償を決定する権限を有し、なお、審理を行ない、適当な証人及び証拠を求め、且つ、帳簿及び記録文書を提出させる権限を有し、その他土地又は不動産収用の目的に閲し、準司法検閲及び記録裁判所としての権限を行なう。

5. When the Commission has made its findings and determination in any case, it shall document and transmit the same to the Deputy Governor who shall cause appropriate notice thereof to be transmitted to the owner or owners of the property involved and to DE, ONED who will adjust deposit with Bank or Ryukyus to the account of the owner or owners.

第五条 委員会が審理決定を行なったときは、文書により民政副長官に捷出し、民政副長官は、その旨、関係所有者及び沖縄工兵管区地区工兵隊に通知する。工兵隊は、琉球銀行への供託手続を行なう。

6. The special account deposit provided by paragraph 2.a. above, shall include compensation for loss of any crops, tombs, structures and/or other improvements on the lands acquired.

第六条 第二粂第一項の供託金には、収用土地内の農作物、墓、建造物乃至当該土地の他の改良に対する損害賠償を含むものとする。

7. The effective date of this Ordinance shall be 3 day of April 1953.

第七条 この布令は、一九五三年四月三日から施行する。





Brigadier General, U.S. Army


Civil Administrator


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