To the People of
The Islands of Nansei Shoto and
Adjacent Waters Occupied by United States Forces
WHEREAS Japan’s aggression and its attack upon the United States have forced the United States to wage war against Japan, and
WHEREAS Military occupation and government of these islands is a necessary part of military operations and of the process of destroying Japan’s power of aggression and the military class which controls the Japanese Empire, and
WHEREAS in order to preserve law and order and to provide for the safety and welfare both of my forces and of yourselves, it is necessary to establish Military Government over this and other Islands of Nansei Shoto and adjacent waters occupied by United States Forces.
NOW, therefore, I, C. W. NIMITZ, Fleet Admiral, United States Navy, Commander in Chief, United States Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas, Military Governor of the Islands of Nansei Shoto and adjacent waters occupied by the armed forces of the United States of America under my command, do hereby proclaim as follows:
Article I
All powers of government and jurisdiction in the Islands or Nansei Shoto and adjacent waters occupied by the United States Forces and over the inhabitants thereof, and final administrative responsibility are vested in me as Fleet Admiral, United States Navy, Commanding the forces of occupation and as Military Governor, and will be exercised through subordinate commanders by my direction.
Article II
All powers of the Government of Japanese Enpire are hereby suspended.
Article III
All persons will obey promptly all orders given by me or under my authority. They must not commit any act hostile to the forces under my command or helpful to the Japanese forces and must not commit acts of violence or any act which may disturb public safety in any way.
Article IV
Your existing customs and property rights will be respected and existing laws will remain in force and effect except insofar as it may be necessary for me in the exercise of my powers and duties to change them.
Article V
The powers and functions of all Japenese courts are hereby suspended, except summary judicial powers exercised by the local police, limited to minor offenses against local laws committed by the people under their jurisdiction, will be continued until further order.
Article VI
All government, branch government, town, village or other public functionaries and employees except such as are removed by me, or by my direction, are required to continue in the performance of their duties subject to my direction or to the direction of such of the officers of the armed forces of the United States of America as may be deputed for that purpose.
Article VII
So long as you remain peaceable and comply with the orders of the forces of occupation you will be subject to no greater interference than is made necessary by war conditions.
Article VIII
Further proclamations, orders, and regulations will be issued by me or under my authority from time to time. They will state what is further required of you, and what you are forbidden to do, and will be displayed at police stations and in your villages.
Article IX
In case of any conflict or ambiguity between the English text of this proclamation or any other proclamation, order or regulation issued under my authority, and any translation there-of, the English shall prevail.
Given under my hand at ________
this _______day of 1945.
Fleet Admiral, United States Navy,
Commander in Chief, United States Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas