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Office of the Deputy Governor (民政官代理)

APO 719


1 November 1952 (1952年11月1日)


1. WHEREAS It is desirable and expedient to effectuate the possession and occupation of certain lands and properties necessary to the Government of the United States and for the protection end security of the Governments of the United States and of the Ryukyu Islands, and their people;

1. 米国政府の必要とする土地及び財産を所有並び紅占有を有効ならしめることは、米国政府及び琉球列島並びに米国国民及び琉球住民の保全上、望ましいことであり、且つ、機宜の策である。

2. WHEREAS the Government of the United States is desirous of compensating private owners of property occupied for the above purposes, commencing 1 July 1950, and

2. 米国政府は、右の目的で1950年7月1日以降点有もてきた財産の民間所有者に対する補償金の支払いを考慮している。

3. WHEREAS the Governments of the Ryukyu Islands and the United States of America have, or will have, entered into a contract, numbered Contract No. DA 92-320-FEC-148, providing for the services of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands, and compensation for such services, in connection with deter-mination of legal owners of lands to be acquired by the Government of the United States; negotiation with the individual land owners for leases; pre-paration and execution of leases between the owners and the Government of the Ryukyu Islands; execution of receipts for sums of money received from the United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands; execution of master leases running from the Government of the Ryukyu Islands to the United States of America, and accomplishment of future annual rental payments;

3. 琉球政府及び米国政府は、琉球政府の任務とこれに対する補償に関して、ここに契約書DA92-320-FEC-148号の契約を締結する。その親定は、米国政府の取得すべき土地の法律上の所有者の親定、土地貸借についての地主との交渉、地主と琉球政府間の借地契約書の作成とその実施、琉球列島米国民政府から受額する金額の受領証発行、琉球政府から米国政府へ転貸する契約とその実施、及び以後の年間土地使用料の支払いをなすことである。

4. NOW, THEREFORE, the Chief Executive of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to exercise and perform the following functions and responsibilities:

4. よって、琉球政府行政主席に対し、次の事務を遂行し、且つ、責任を負う権限を付与し、これを行なうことを命ずる。

a. In the name of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands, enter into and execute Contract No. DA 92-320-FEC-148 with the United States of America, and perform all acts necessary thereunder to accomplish the purpose thereof, including but not limited to the following:


(1) To make, exccute, deliver, and bind the Government of the Ryukyu Islands on leases between individual property owners and the Govern-ment of the Ryukuu Islands to the extent required to accomplish the master leases aforesaid, as provided hy Contrect No. DA 92-320-FEC-148 and forms of leases attached thereto.

1 契約書DA92-320-FEC-148号及び別紙貸借契約書の書式によって、前記の主たる貸借契約を完遂する上に必要な程度に、個々の地主と琉球政府間の貸借契約を作成し、実施し、交付し、及び琉球政府が堅くこれを守ること。

(2) To make, execute, and deliver bilingual master leases beyween the Government of the Ryukyu Islands and the United States of America for the lands and properties requested by the District Engineer, Okinawa Engineer District, acting for the Governrcnt of the United States, and

2 米国政府の代理をつとめる沖縄エンジニア地区の地区エンジニアが要請する土地及び財産に関する琉球政府及び米国間の主たる貸借契約書を英文及び和文で作成し、実施し、交付すること。

(3) To prepare, certify and render to the Government of the United States bills or statements as to the amounts which shell be due and owing under the Contract No. DA 92-320-FEC-148.

3 契約書DA92-320-FEC-148号に基づいて支払うべきもので支払期限の到達した土地使用料の申告書又は明細書を作成し、証明し、及び米国政府へ提出すること。

5. The Chief Executive may designate a competent official, or officials, who shall be responsible to, and have authority to act for, the Chief Executive of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands in all matters pertaining to the performance of this program and to devote his or their full time end attention toward its accomplishment.

5. 琉球政府行政主席は、本計画の実施に関する一切の事項について行政主席に対する責任を負う代行機関としての権限を有し、且つ、全勤務時間を事務の遂行にあてる適当な係官を任命することができる。

6. No payments shall be made by the Government of the Ryukyu Islands to lessors until such time as funds have been advanced therefor by United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands.

6. 琉球政府は、琉球列島米国民政府から予算額の前渡しを受ける前に、貸主に対して使用料の支払をしてはならない。

7. The Government of the Ryukyu Islands will reimburse the Funding Officer, United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands, at the time payments are received from the Government of the United States, for such funds as may have been advanced from the Counterpart Fund for the purpose of administrating this program. Separate accounts will be maintained by the Government of the Ryukyu Islands for all administrative expenses connected with the operation of this program.

7. 琉球政府ほ、この資金で本計画の実施のために見返り資金から立替払きれるものであるため、米国政府から支払を受けたときは、これを琉球列島米国民政府資金係将校へ払戻さなければならない。この計画の実行に要する諸経費については、琉球政府は、別個の会計を設けなければならない。

8. The effective date of this Ordinance is 1 August 1952.

8. この布令は、1952年8月1日から施行する。





Brigadier General, U. S. Army (米国陸軍准将)

Civil Administrator (民政官)

the ryukyu-okinawa history and culture website © 1995-2019 john michael purves
