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Chapter Three:

Realization of Cosmopolitan City Okinawa

Promotion of Main Projects

(1) Improvements on Transportation

To promote wide-ranging networks with the Asian Pacific region, improvements will be made with a priority on airports, harbors, and roads. Also, reinforcements shall be made on deregulating sea and air routes. Priority will be set on expanding the functions of Naha Airport as an international airport, promoting expansion of Naha Port functions to proportions needed to be designated as a base port, and creating rail transport systems including urban monorail.

(2) Return of Land Used by U.S. Military Forces and Subsequent Use of Returned Land

In order to improve the structure of the prefectural framework and build a cosmopolitan city, a planned and phased return of the land used by the U.S. military forces is essential as well as making the most of the returned land. Plans are made to utilize the land returned from Futenma Air Station and military facilities in Naha Port to construct an industrial zone in the western coastline of Okinawa Island in order to develop a self-sufficient economy.

(3) Building a Site for International Exchange and Cooperation

In order to promote exchange and cooperation with the Asian Pacific region, efforts will be made to create an attractive region which has a combination of facilities such as educational institutes, research facilities, health and welfare facilities and resorts for long term stays. The prefecture shall endeavor to attract major organizations related to APEC and JICA Overseas Youth Cooperation Training Center, establish an International Information Center (provisional name), and promote a site for international exchange and cooperation for interactions between people and information communications.

(4) Creation of New Industries

Industries with distinctive characteristics such as thalassothérapie which concerns health, recuperation, medicine and welfare shall be encouraged as well as expansion of information industries, consolidating and expanding the free trade zone, and encouraging the establishment of an offshore market. Deregulation and liberation of air and sea routes will be promoted as well as putting an emphasis toward industrial area and establishing a special economic zone.

(5) Establishment and Encouragement of Research Institutes

With a view to establish Okinawa as a hub for research in issues such as environment, medical care, peace, and technology, plans are made to attract institutes such as Global Environment Strategic Research Organization and International Academic Exchange Research Center in relation to agriculture and fisheries in tropics and subtropics, and establish Research Institute for Subtropics, Deep Ocean Water Research Institute, and International Peace Research Institute (provisional name).

(6) Training, Securing, and Supporting of Human Resources

Efforts will be made to train and secure human resources through establishment of think-tank and attracting higher education institutes such as institutes of technology, professional schools oriented on tourism, and Nichibei Rengo Daigakuin Daigaku, a combined Japan-U.S. University for graduate students.

(7) Promotion of International Contribution

International Technical Cooperation Network (provisional name) and Regulations Concerning the Promotion of International Cooperation Volunteer Activities (provisional name) as well as other activities will be promoted. Private organizations which relates to international contributions will be supported through establishments of NGO support centers.

Use of Land Returned from U.S. Military Bases in Planned Phases

The return of land used by U.S. military bases will be encouraged and efforts will be made to use this land in an effective manner. Efforts will also be made to ensure that the people of the prefecture are able to live with a peace of mind and to ensure a well-balanced land use and realization of an active industrial structure. Efforts will thus be made to ensure a planned and phased return of the land currently used by the U.S. military forces and ensure an effective use of this land on the basis of a new three stage Okinawa Promotion and Development Plan. This plan is divided into three stages. Stage one lasts until the end of the current third Okinawa Promotion and Development Plan which ends in the year 2001; Stage two will last until 2010, the year envisaged for the formulation of a New National Comprehensive Development Plan; and Stage three will last until 2015, the target year for the end of the concept.

Establishing a Promotion System

In order to promote the "Cosmopolitan City Formation Concept," it will be necessary to create a multi-level promotion system including representatives from every industry and field and consider the establishment of an organization which comprehensively implements regional development and exchange.

Position Within the New National Comprehensive Development Plan

According to the basic approach outlined in the New National Comprehensive Development Plan, it is important to create a wide-ranging international exchange zone to enhance the self-sufficiency of the regions in the international scene. It is also important to create a condition which access to an international standard of exchange functions can be made. The formation of "Pacific Tropical Belt Environmental Exchange Region" which makes use of Okinawa's features in the "Cosmopolitan City Formation Concept," the promotion of exchange within this region's exchange and the formation of the prefecture's self-sufficient structure shall be guided by the principles of the New National Comprehensive Development Plan. The principles of the New National Comprehensive Development Plan will be reflected in the reorganization of the prefectural framework which will use the returned land currently used by the U.S. military bases and in the promotion of development appropriate in forming a cosmopolitan city. Keeping this in mind, it is necessary to promote the key stages of this plan a national policy project.

Promotion of Measures in Line with a New System

In order to realize a socioeconomic condition which has freedom, vigor, and open doors to all markets, it is essential for Japan to make a fundamental reform in the structure of its economy and society. Deregulation and decentralization are two of the most important aspects of this reforms. With a vision of realizing the cosmopolitan city in with this particular background, it is essential to promote Okinawa as a base for international exchange with the Asian Pacific region. To promote development of a distinctive regional society and economy, it is vital to establish a self-sufficient local government responsible for its own region. A new system and regulations which liberates transportation, information communications, trade, and investment will be needed to promote industrialization.

Execution Plan for the Creation of the Cosmopolitan City

This Cosmopolitan City Formation Concept is a grand design for the new Okinawa of the 21st century with sights set approximately on twenty years into the future or the year 2015. In order to realize this grand design, we intend to draw a basic plan based on this concept, plan an execution plan, and proceed with consequent measures and preparations. Efforts shall be made to incorporate new methods such as adopting opinions of the prefectural citizens in drawing this plan. At the time the concrete projects will be executed, all procedures shall be reviewed to ensure its mutual relationship and shall be conducted in systematic phases.

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